Why 3D-Realtime
3D naturally offers the fastest orientation and therefore makes your product easier to understand.
Users can rotate and scale the model, as well as explore its parts and put them in motion. This way, 3D real-time instruments beat conventional selling tools and make you an innovator.
What we do
At 3DIT we are dedicated to the production of 3D media and selling tools.
By combining 3D computer graphics with gaming technology, these applications run offline on a PC, online and plug-in-free in your web browser, and mobile on tablets.
Why 3DIT
If you are a high-tech company with state-of-the-art products, then your presentations should be just like that.
3DIT's computer scientists, engineers, and designers make your product, process, or technology look as photo-realistic as possible, yet as detailed as necessary.
Govie® Software Makes the Complex Simple → to Impact, Enlighten, and Innovate!
Introducing Govie®, a 3D Interactive & StoryTelling software solution simpler than PowerPoint and exponentially faster than traditional 3D rendering. Describing complicated solutions, products, processes, concepts with maximum impact is challenging. Creating 3D graphical representations was expensive, time-consuming, and limited in success and opportunity. Govie® 3D Interactive software enables maximum impact to the viewer for minimal costs. Our 3D interactive software is easy to use, generates images rapidly, at a low cost, and creates 3D images generating lasting impressions, regardless of complexity. Govie® creates powerful communications tools and remarkable StoryTelling for maximum impact. Govie®s software platform and structure encourage a team development environment, receiving input from various personas and domains.
Our 3D interactive software is easy to use, generates images rapidly, at low cost, and allows the presenter to create lasting impressions simpler than PowerPoint, regardless of complexity. The advanced StoryTelling capability ensures a lasting impact on the receiver. Our solutions provide immediate ability to personalize and humanize communications and impressions required to implement Account Based Marketing (ABM). 3DIT's solutions dramatically maximize your communications and understanding through StoryTelling at minimal costs.

Dear pump manufacturers!
How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?
How do you convince OEMs and end customers of your technology?
Still using PowerPoint and videos like everyone else?
12 Govie® features for your sales success:
- Impress your customers with a superior presentation. You are sure to get their attention.
- Suitable for everyday use in sales and marketing - even without expensive computers, expensive software licenses and expensive 3D experts.
- Only Govie® connects a Story mode with intuitive 3D interaction.
- Present your technology more clearly, understandably, memorably and more convincing than your competition.
- Integrate your existing sales material exactly where the user needs it, free of charge. No more searching.
- Explore your product easily with mouse or touch.
- Multilingual: your Govie® you also get bilingual. Or seven languages. All without surcharge.
- Your Govie® is in any website can be integrated immediately and is guaranteed to run in all modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox, completely without plugins.
- We would be happy to show your designers how to provide CAD data in such a way that you can always avoid extra costs.
- High-level support by our local experts - one call is all it takes, and we will support you with our years of experience.
- From each Govie® you get for little money additionally a Video e.g. for YouTube
- Unlimited applications ensure you maximum return on investment: Sales calls, quotes, trade shows, website, visitor centers, ...

Independently create research presentations that convince
Do you deal with the challenges of technology marketing and commercialization of innovations on a daily basis? Do you want to present complex research projects in such a way that hidden elements or processes are visible and understood and the presentation stays in the mind? At the same time, you have to copewith limited financial resources?
Independently created 3D presentations that allow the target audience to grasp the product and be fully immersed in it.
Govie Editor allows you to independently create product presentations that bring together 3D, interactivity and a story mode. This enables effective presentation and in-depth insight into products and hidden processes inside.
The software-as-a-service enables the development of presentations that allow the target audience to really grasp the product or process and understand and remember the context.
In Govie Editor, existing 3D models can be enriched with additional assets such as images, text, websites, and animations. This creates a unique presentation that is both playable as a video and allows for individual control by the user. The 3D presentations are web enabled.
Application areas
- Marketing and sales activities, such as physical or virtual trade shows and customer visits
- Presentations of research results and projects
- Integration into websites and presentations of any kind
Get in touch with us!
3D Interaction Technologies GmbH
Schubertstraße 39
01307 Dresden
E-Mail: contact@3dit.de
Phone: +49 (0)351 21 978 775
3DIT Americas
729 Grapevine Hwy
Hurst, TX, USA 76054
(Dallas – Fort Worth TX Metroplex)
E-Mail: info@3dit.io
Phone: +1 972 978 8712
3DIT at trade fairs
As a provider of innovative visualization solutions, we regularly participate in a wide variety of trade fairs to convince our customers of the benefits of interactive 3D real-time solutions.
Dates 2021
3DIT does not currently attend trade fairs.
We are nevertheless pleased to take time for our customers and regularly present via video conferencing system.
3DIT attended the Hanover Messe
3DIT revealed a brand new innovation: the „Govie“ (mixing game technology and movie). This type of 3D-realtime visualization is really close to our natural behaviour when it is all about to „grasp“ for an idea or an object. That is the reason a govie really stays in your mind. (webdemo and waterpump govie).
Numerous visitors at our booth absolutely agreed and thus confirmed our focused path. Even the Minister of Business Affairs from the State of Saxony visited 3DIT on the leading edge fair „digital factory“, one of the big key topics of this year's Hannover Messe. Mr. Dulig was curious about several application, among them a complete virtual factory, seven floors high. Also, he acknowledged the »Mikrochip-ABC« during his talk with Dr. Henry Wojcik (CEO), a coproduction of 3DIT targeted at making children enthusiastic about a scientific career in the field of microelectronics in particular, and engineering in general. (www.mikrochip-abc.de)
3DIT is nominated for the Entrepreneur Award 2020
Innovative ideas, a convincing product, new markets, far-sighted and sustainable corporate management - the competition "Saxony's Entrepreneur of the Year" honors all of these. And that, precisely because the 2020 financial year was challenging and often not an easy one for entrepreneurs.
With the special category "Focus X" - Best Opportunity Manager, awards are also given to those who have been courageous, flexible and agile, and who have broken new ground despite difficult conditions.
With the release of the Govie Editor in 2020, the last piece of the puzzle has been added: Mechanical engineers could directly use their CAD planning data, 3D artists their 3D models. "The fact that we have managed to write this software in a country without much venture capital and past the giants of Silicon Valley makes us proud," said the managing directors Ingolf Seifert and Dr. Henry Wojcik.
The "Microchip ABC" has been published
3D Interaction Technologies was instrumental in the creation of the “Microchip ABC” as a partner.
The M-ABC is one of the very few books in the German-speaking world that give a comprehensive overview of microelectronics as a key technology. The authors shed light on the role and function of microelectronics in technology, impart basic knowledge about semiconductors and transistors, microchips and the design of integrated circuits ...
Further details
Here you can purchase the book and learn more content in interactive graphics: see the networked farm of the near future, how does e-mobility work, what did the first microprocessor look like
The book was created in collaboration and with the support of over 30 well-known companies of the microelectronics industry: Infineon Technologies AG, edacentrum GmbH. Contact us if you would also like to become part of the project.